Now that we’re over the Halloween Hump, it’s time to roll on to our next occasion. About this time last year, I was whinging that my poppy for veterans day was being held together with tape and looking rather ragged.
Several blogging buddies sent me poppies, and now I am going to share some with you.
Please leave me a comment telling me why it’s important for you to have a poppy to wear. I will pick the three best comments on Friday, 2, November, and post the poppies so you get them in time for 11-11-12 (USA only).
It doesn’t matter what country your soldier, sailor, marine or airman is from, they deserve the honour of our memory.
As a child, I remember visiting the bank with my bank book to make a deposit and leaving the bank to encounter a gentleman offering a crepe paper red poppy for a donation. I was always impressed with the handmade crepe paper poppy -- today not so much-- but I still make a donation outside the market where the vets hold down the fort. Perhaps volunteers could elevate the poppy, I mean honestly, why do they have to purchase in bulk from China?? All these Hometown crafters could say, contact the local Veterans group -- enlist school children for a fine motor skill project- from donated materials--- it is al about the symbolism and a TEACHABLE MOMENTS eh? Do not vets remember ask not what your country can do for you..ask what you can do for your Country??? Thank goodness for the first amendment.
ReplyDeleteThis such a fabulous reason to post, Meg. I come from a nearly complete line of U.S. veterans (ala Capt. Dan in Forrest Gump) except the Vietnam war. My dear grandfather fought in Europe in WWII . He only ever told a story about getting a call to "move out" while they were all showering. They took turns driving like hell while naked and dressing. He was a calm and gentle man that must have found the horrors of pals blowing up next to him literally unspeakable.
ReplyDeleteNo need to mail me a poppy, I think you've inspired a painting. I'll also need to find a DIY for my kids to make some.
I am so proud of the men and women who serve our country, risking their lives for our safety and those of others.
Art by Karena
This is a very timely post. Just yesterday I completed my orientation to become a volunteer at the Loch Rave Veteran's Rehabilitation Center. I can't wait to get started! My grandfather served in the Italian air force during WWI and my Dad was a Navy SeaBee during the Korean War. Veterans deserve our respect.
ReplyDeleteI wear the poppy proudly! On all sides of the family, fellows fought bravely for me. Now I show how much I appreciate everyone of their acts + all the men & women who serve.
ReplyDeleteJust last week two WWII veterans visited the church where I am a volunteer docent. One had been a POW. I thanked them for their service to our country and the free world. Where would I be if my forebears and other citizens hadn't stepped forward, left their families, endured hardships, and fought to ensure our safety and freedom. I have an ancestor buried at Flanders Fields; he was only twenty-two when he fell in battle. The rest of them were doctors and no one lost his life.
ReplyDeleteIn my city, we put flowers and American flags at the graves of all veterans---Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, both World Wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, and Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm getting a lump in my throat just thinking of the sacrifices those men (and now women) made.
At 92, Bridget Maginn organized and realized The Blue Star Memorial located across from The Rawlings Blake Conservatory in 2012. An English woman, she was eternally grateful for the aide of The United States. Specifically several pilots, who prior to our involvement came via Canada to England's desperate need for help. Together with Baltimore City Garden Clubs she raised the needed funds with the remainder to go to the Conservatory. You can honor a loved military person in your life by putting their name in a beautifully bound book that will be located in the Conservatory shortly.
ReplyDeleteI added my father, Frank P. Hurka, Army Corp of Engineers, who died on November 11, 1985. Bridget wears her poppy proudly and I wear one in my heart.
Thank you for such an important post. When I was a child, I remember red poppies being handed out in front of local stores, but I had no understanding of their meaning. Today I have such great appreciation for our veterans and I think it is a shame that this holiday has lost so much of its importance. Most businesses don't acknowledge the day because they give their employees two days off over Thanksgiving. Could there be a more important holiday? My mother's two brothers fought in WWII - one was a bombardier and was killed over France and the other was in the Navy and was a Japanese prisoner of war. I can't imagine the heartache my grandparents must have felt. No need to send a poppy, but thanks for reminding me to wear one. Love the idea of making poppies to be distributed.
ReplyDeleteI just finished the fight of my life (against town hall) in the name of democracy. When we had our march and rally we ended it at the war memorial in town park and took a moment to honour those who died so we could have the freedom to march and speak our mind and stand up to authority when we feel something is wrong. My great grandfather died at Flanders and my grandfather served in WWII - every man and woman who has served should be remembered even if it's just by wearing a poppy.
ReplyDeleteNo need to include my name - I have a stack of them in my car and they are in every store in town.
ReplyDeleteI was going to respond but Gus, the kitten, just laid down on the keyboard and sent you these sweet nothings.
xo Jane and Gus