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Think Pink: 2012
Usually, on the first of October, someone reminds me to post in pink in support of breast cancer awareness and research, but I forgot until just now when several things reminded me.
Buckingham Palace was awash in a pink glow in support, and it makes me so happy to see that the royal family is being conscious of things like this, and making the effort to spread the word.
The Tower of London and other landmarks were lit in pink as well.
Not to be left out, the White House was also pink.
My friend Andrea, who owns Bosom Buddy Bags, is making a contribution of half the price of any item she sells with pink.
Andrea’s mother died of breast cancer, so that’s how the name Bosom Buddy Bags came about. To look at the fabulous items at Bosom Buddy Bags, click here, and then order one of her great bags!
Don’t forget to Think Pink!