August 1, 2011

Sotheby’s at Sudeley, The Second Year

Last year, I wrote about a selling exhibition at Sudeley Castle hosted by Sotheby’s. Well, I guess it must have been a success because it’s happening again this year.

The exhibition brings together cutting-edge, one-off and limited edition works in strikingly different materials by 11 artists and designers, including Tord Boontje, Amanda Levete, David Adjaye, Ingo Maurer and Paul Fryer. Set amongst the romantic ruins of Sudeley and its award-winning gardens, the works will challenge the boundaries of Design, Art and Craft.

Here are some of the pieces that are scattered around Sudeley’s gorgeous grounds and in the historic ruins.

Bee No. One, BOKJA TEXTILE & DESIGNsothebys1

19's, OMER ARBELsothebys2

LED Table, INGO MAURERsothebys3 
J. B. Schmetterling (Butterfly), INGO MAURERsothebys4 
Form of Intrigue, LAURA ELLEN BACONsothebys5 
Rain Tables and Rain Chairs, TORD BOONTJEsothebys6 

Mazzolin di Fiori, ANDREA SALVETTIsothebys7
The exhibition will remain at Sudeley until the end of September.


  1. I particularly like the LED table, the Rain Table and Chairs and LOVE the Mazzolin di Fiori!
    Thanks for sharing this, I may have to go to Sudeley!

  2. Amazing works of art. I love the LED table and the Salvetti work!!

    Thanks Meg!


    Art by Karena


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