August 30, 2011

La Guerre des Post-it

That’s right – POST-IT NOTE WARS!Guerre Pac-Man-012It’s happening in Paris office buildings from Société Générale at La Défense to Coca-Cola and even in classic Paris apartments!La Guerre frogIs this Michael Jackson, or someone jumping? La Guerre Michael JacksonThe battle is between presumably underemployed office workers who are devoting large chunks of their days to sticking thousands of pink, yellow, orange and green notes on their windows to recreate pixelated images.La Guerre SpongeBob-SquarePants-005Apparently, the largest of the images takes up three floors and had to be computer-generated to figure out the pattern.La Guerre Waldo It’s now La rentrée, time for everyone to return to Paris after being gone for the month of August. I wonder if the Post-It note art will disappear?

Here are some others I found on Post-It Wars

La Guerre Mona-Lisa-003 Mona Lisa in a cornerLa Guerre TinTIn TinTin, a French favouriteLa Guerre Apple-logo-004Hmmm. Wonder what kind of computers they use? La Guerre Rolling-Stones-logo-007 Rolling Stones Fan

Aren’t these fun! Would you ever do something like this in your office window? I totally would!


  1. Right with you on this - I'm ready to try!
    xo Cathy

  2. Wow! Some of these look very complicated. I love it!

  3. Very clever! I hope it catches on in the states.

  4. Love the one of Tin Tin :-)

  5. Creative artists at it again!! Great find Meg!

    Come and join my new fashion Giveaway from Fresh Produce!

    Art by Karena

  6. Just so clever, chic all those words. Grand post.

  7. I love it. Makes me smile!! What do you think the Wall Street folks would do with this idea? Mary

  8. You've been reading the Guardian again!

  9. I pass an office building everyday (on 14th between K and L street) here in DC that has had a sign up in the window made of post-its that says "HI LIZ" -I assume to the building across the street. I get a big kick out of this everyday!

  10. I love Tin Tin as well. Why aren't we doing post-it's of missing dictators.

  11. There is a first-floor apartment in a building near me that has has mammoth post-it project going on for the past year or so on one of the interior walls. It took me a bit to figure out just what it was. I love that Mona Lisa!


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