I work in a house that was built sometime around 1850. For many years, it was the summer home of a noted Baltimore philanthropist. It then became an orphanage for many years before it finally became offices for the charity where I work.

During these slow summer days, when everyone is taking vacation days, it's very quiet here. Except for the resident ghost, whom I saw again today. He tends to lurk in the second floor conference room, and is very benign. He's usually just a shadow moving across the table, but he's there.

There's so much history in this house, that there is bound to be a ghost or two hanging around. I hope that it's happy.
Do you believe in ghosts?

I had an eerie experience a few weeks ago...I was in a building that housed the personal effects of an individual (now deceased) who was involved in the paranormal; from the minute I entered until I left I constinually felt that someone was behind, watching everything I did.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I believe in ghosts but I do believe that there is a presence of some sorts (which I suppose is the same as saying I believe in ghosts!)
oh, that was creepy Meg! seriously? Yes, I think that the more in tune you are, you can def. pick vibes from a house. Call them ghosts are whatever you want. but 'we are not alone'
ReplyDeleteOh yes, definitely - at least in experience/form like yours.
ReplyDeleteSuch a pretty place to work...and I definitely believe in ghosts. They are fine with me as long as they are friendly!
ReplyDeleteDid you get my e-mail about "The Bolter?"
I think I would really love to see a ghost, but am not quite sure. Does he frighten you?
ReplyDeleteHow's this? I don't disbelieve. I've seen things that qualify as ghosty.
ReplyDeleteYes, I believe completely... ghosts, spirits, entities, whatever you want to call them. ((Not that this is why I believe, but did you see the Nicole Kidman movie "The Others"? Best ghost movie ever.)) Who do you think your ghost is/was?
ReplyDeleteMy dad grew up in an old house and when I was little he would always tell me the story of the blue ghost, so yes, I do. What a beautiful house you work in, if I were a ghost I would pick it too!
ReplyDeleteHow ghostly.....
How can you not believe? I've lived in at least 2 houses that I was convinced we shared with others. One benign, the other not so.
ReplyDeleteWe left the unhappy house very quickly.
I've never seen a ghost, so I can't say either way, but I think they are possible, even if it's just an energy impression or something. I don't really believe in souls being trapped, but what do I know? I do think some people are more receptive to seeing ghosts, though.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely yes! I have to agree with Tracy, 'the others' is a terrific movie that i've watched about 5 times!
ReplyDeleteI do believe in the "spirits of the place."
ReplyDeleteGood thing the ghost is easy going. Still can send goose-bumps up your arms. Does it give you an unsettled feeling at all?
ReplyDeleteYears ago, my mom worked in an old house (converted to a small book publishing co.) -- almost everyone felt the ghost. it would slam doors to people's offices when they were in meetings. or lock people in the bathrooms where there was no key for the doors to be locked. or start swinging hanging light fixtures. the windows were not open nor were there any fans running. you just feel their presence -- good feeling and bad feeling.
Oh, for sure, the presence as you have said is almost instantaneous when you walk in a room. My daughter really is into the spiritual world, and visits "haunted homes, such as in Atchison KS etc. Also I often get a sense that I have been in a certain place before, and that is a bit eerie.
ReplyDeleteI don't disbelieve in them. My young daughter has seen one in our house, of a girl about her age, 7 or so, blond, wearing 19th-century costume. She just told me about it matter-of-factly; and then my spouse mentioned it weeks later. Both had seen it. I haven't. But I'm anxious to meet her.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! When each of my parents passed away, I was visited once by each of them. What a great feeling it was to think that they were still around watching over me and my family. Wish they would come again, I miss them.
ReplyDeleteI do believe in spirits or ghosts. In a wonderful old stone home built in the early 1900s, now housing a gallery, library, conference, offices, etc. I did volunteer work as a board member. When working alone, especially in the morning before the others arrived, I would hear foot steps coming up the stairs when no one else was in the building. One time I saw the full image of a lady that walked in front of me for about 3 seconds. I couldn't tell if it was her long hair that was flowing down her back or if it was a lace veil cascading. But she was real at that moment and the hairs stood up on my neck and arms. I wasn't afraid, but I was certainly spooked.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe everyone's great stories! They're amazing. Thank you for sharing them with everyone.
ReplyDeleteEveryone here at the office is so blase' about the ghost, and it's really shadows, not as much a presence.
With a house as old as this one, and with the history associated with it, I think it's not unexpected to have a presence wandering around!
Absolutely believe in spirits....yes! We had some encounters with one we believed to be the original owner of our first house (he liked us fixing the house and would 'try' to help!) None here, so far. My friend, Mary at "St.Mary" (on my blogroll) has a GREAT story on her church-ghost named Martha
ReplyDeleteCan't believe your co-workers are blase' as I think it's such a special connection to the past. Good energy and all...
For the love... I think that they're blase' because he's around all of the time. People who have worked here for years (which they do) have seen him/her/it so many times that it's just like the copier guy showing up!
ReplyDeleteI have had ghosts in my life since childhood. We lived in a large house when I was a child and my first vivid memory is being awake in my crib in the dark, talking and my mother walking in saying..."who are you talking to?" and saying back to her...Mrs. Boswell. There also was a "green man" in the basement I had/have vivid dreams about. He was scary. Completely nude and body painted green. Bizarre. When I lived in Brooklyn I told people I was the Swiffer Sweeper for ghosts (and crazy people). I had a ghost in my apartment that would walk the floor when my apt was cluttered. A psychic told me he was the spirit of an older, black man that worked for someone who lived in my building. I bought a painting of African American jazz musicians and kept the place as clutter free as possible and he was very happy with me living there. When I moved out...he was very upset. I told him it was time for him to move on...but I'm not sure it happened. Now I live in a new building...but one night when I had only been living there for a short time I had dreams of civil war soldiers walking in the woods behind my condo. That freaked me out...and I woke up and told them..."I know I am a person ghosts like...but really...you guys need to leave me alone!" They haven't bothered me since...
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Every old house has a ghost.
ReplyDeleteI've seen a few, but I don't know if I believe in them.
ReplyDeleteI had my bed levitate in an inn on Nantucket Island!
ReplyDeleteI do believe in ghost, I do, I do!
I do, but have yet to experience one. I have always wanted to. So fun to read everyone's experiences. Nice to believe there is more to life. Hilarious that your co-workers are so use to him that he's just like the "copier guy" showing up!!
ReplyDeleteNaturally. I think there are souls that just can't bear to leave what they love & so they remain in their memories. Some are happy, some angry but if you respect their space & soul I believe most will respect you.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. My parents house, while built in 2005ish, is in a neighborhood that is on a sight of the Chicamauga Battle in Chattanooga, TN. On several occasions, neighbors noted a women in a long white nightgown passing back and forth in our hall upstairs hall, visible to the outside via windows... I believe.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt about it, and I think being able to "see" them is the choice of some ghosts, so your ghost must like you :)