October 10, 2008

Restoration Hardware Warehouse Sale

Since their warehouse in Baltimore is moving, and won't be open to the public any longer, Restoration Hardware is really hustling to get the furniture they still have GONE!
Click on the image for details about the sale.


  1. Love the new header! They just keep getting better!

  2. i agree with jennifer. this header is too brilliant! i love everything about it and everything it conveys!

  3. Thanks for the link! Don't they own brocade home? I'm so sad to see that they're website is down!

  4. Dolce.. Here's a little piece I did on them shutting down Brocade and opening RH Baby & Child.

  5. The Resto sale is Aesome!!! but did you know that they increased their trade discount to 20% (for interior designers, etc.) We've been recommending their products religiously. That's typically over a grand in savings for an average ticket for our clients.


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