December 12, 2014

Getting Ready for The Festive Season

When I was in London, the train stations all had signs informing people that there would be work on the rails during “the festive season” which I thought was a great way to talk about the upcoming holidays without offending anyone, or singling out a specific holiday. Because it’s just me at home, and Connor, too, I usually don’t decorate too much, other than a wreath on the door and some vintage Christmas tree balls in a silver bowl, and of course, a string of lights on Connor! I worry that if I put a tree up, Connor will think that he’s suddenly gotten indoor plumbing!

I’ve just added a new board to my Pinterest page and thought I’d share some of the images I’ve collected with you. Click on the image to go to the Pinterest image. You will find that my style tends toward the classic and the shiny.








Which do you like best? If you’d like to add a link to a favourite holiday look, please share it in your comment!


  1. My favorite is Connor with his lights.

    Happy Festive Season!

  2. When my daughter was younger, I decorated the house from top to bottom and always felt "down" after Christmas when everything was put away and the house seemed bare and empty. Now, that it's just me, though I still entertain just as many for Christmas Eve, I opt for a couple lush poinsettias, a beautiful wreath, my snow globes (of course), a manger scene and easy, so simple, and just as lovely.

  3. Can you imagine the feast using all those dishes top to bottom?! That'd be one big dessert!

    1. I'd want to be at that dinner! They're from Royal Copenhagen's Christmas line.

    2. I will be there as well. These would be served by Doormen with white gloves. See you there.

  4. so true about dogs and indoor trees!

    My fave is Connor with the lights and a far second is the garland around the fireplace but it is more about the fireplace...

  5. So great...the comment about dogs and indoor plumbing!

  6. Connor first, of course, then the Flora Danica.

  7. Lovely images - interesting saying - but I'm sticking with "Merry Christmas". Call me a traditionalist - or perhaps classicist is more appropriate ;-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Connor first, and the oranges garland next. And I too like "Festive Season." Inclusive, and allowing for celebration all along.

  10. The string of lights around Connor is my favorite. What a sweet dog he is.

    Ahh, Flora Danica, whenever I see it come up at auction, I know there will be a lot of zeros when the hammer falls, lol.

  11. Connor looks especially angelic with his lights :) Welcome home! I need to catch up on your posts. Been busy unpacking a new container. xo

  12. Love Connor! Yes, when my kids were at home and we lived in a much bigger house, I decorated to the hilt - although I was never one to put a tree in every room or lights all over outside. We did have a huge tree in the foyer by the staircase and it took forever to get the lights on and all the ornaments - I'm not in to that anymore. Now, in a smaller house, I have a lovely artificial tree in a urn. I love to see tartan at Christmas so I always have that - ribbon & throws. And old silver! I collect old ribbons so I threw a bunch of velvet & tartan ribbons in seasonal colors in a old silver pedestal bowl with some babbles and I love that. I've never been to England, but I always think of England at Christmas - would love to go some day!

  13. Funny you write about your worry that Connor might mistake a Christmas tree for a toilet. Our first Christmas with Lucy she was just over a year old and we had only had her two months. We brought the tree in the house and she ran down into the basement and peed. She never did it before and hasn't done it since.


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