August 20, 2012


Do you know that expression? Simply knackered!imageA knacker was the person who came to take the dead horses away, so it basically means dead tired.

Which is what I am.

Dinner for 10 on a Monday night. What was I thinking?

We had a friend in London who was an Ob-Gyn/Dentist and we called him Knickers, Knackers and Knockers.

Enough said.


  1. I often use the expression knackered. The combination Ob-Gyn/Dentist is very odd.

  2. An Ob-Gyn/Dentist eh? Hope he knows which instrument goes where...(tee-hee, sorry!)

  3. I know your dinner/supper was divine.

    1. Luckily, I hadn't planned for supper outside, because it rained the whole time.

  4. Do you know who is the artist of that picture you posted? I feel like I've seen it before, maybe at the Orsee in Paris, and that there were lots of similar paintings and drawings and little signs in French explaining that most of the models were prostitutes. Anyway, it's bugging the crap out of me that I can't remember the artist's name.

    OB/GYN/Dentist? Sounds like one-stop shopping for all of my health needs. If only I could get a pedicure while my feet were in the stirrups, and have my hilights done while they were taking dental X-rays! Think of the TIME I could save!!

    1. The picture is Toulouse Lautrec, so you may have seen it at Musee D'Orsee.

      Too scary to think about an appt. with the obgyndds.

  5. I love Rebecca Grace's comment--just think of the time we could save! As for being knackers--I suggest an early night curled up with Connor. Hope that the dinner was perfection. Mary

  6. I'm interested in the painting/drawing too. Tried checking the signature closest seemed to be Toulouse-Lautrec but not quite.

    I felt like that prone woman just hearing about feeding 10 people.

    Yes, know knackered... had never thought about it's origin though. You are always a source of information Meg

  7. Love this post! I feel the same way...too many guests lately.

    I love the painting.

    Have a great week!

    P.S: Happy to hear that your friend is doing a little better. IS there a fund sent up for donations?


  8. OB Gyn/Dentist? ~Ouch~

    Love word knackered. I recently watched a piece on past amazing Olympic events. One athlete was described as "knackered" as they crossed the finish line!


    1. It's a great word, and when you know the origin, it's perfect!


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