I had an interesting e-mail exchange with the Peak of Chic today after a comment I had made about the alleged reprinting of one of Billy Baldwin's books. I thought I had seen that Rizzoli was reprinting it, but it wasn't in their catalogue. She mentioned that someone named James Archer Abbott was writing a book about Baldwin, and that Abbott had Baltimore connections. I said that I had heard of Mr. Abbott, but didn't know him, but something buzzed in the back of my mind, and I googled him. Damn if it wasn't the gracious Jim Abbott, Curator of Evergreen House, whom I had met when we'd visited a few weeks ago! After a bit more poking around, I found that Mr. Abbott will be giving a lecture at Evergreen later this month about his book Maison Jansen, published by Acanthus in 2006. The lecture is entitled, "Fit for a King: The Furniture and Design of Maison Jansen." Evergreen’s House Beautiful lecture series explores 20th-century tastemakers whose work promoted the idea that life could be improved through artful design of everyday objects.Here's a word about the book: JANSEN is the first comprehensive study of Maison Jansen - the most celebrated decorating house of the 20th century. the book documents the evolution of this legendary Paris-based company from family firm to global enterprise. It showcases over 30 of the firm's most alluring commissions, including rooms for the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the Shah and Shahbanou of Iran, and President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy for whom Jansen renovated and redecorated the White House. Over 300 illustrations in color and duotone.
Tickets to the lecture are available here. I've already got mine!