April 18, 2017

Spring in the City

So sorry for the lack of recent posts. I am still having problems with the platform I use to post, and I absolutely hate posting through the blogger platform because it doesn't format correctly! Ugh.

Anyway... spring has finally arrived in Baltimore, better late than never. And it's simply glorious here. It's hard to see, but the hedge in front of the carriage house is all lilacs! 
Figue and I took a walk with our friends MacKenzie and Andrea through the gorgeous Sherwood Gardens, one of Baltimore's most beautiful public spaces. Andrea tried to bribe Figue to stop barking with a treat...

The tulips at Sherwood Gardens are at their peak this week, aided by 80* temperatures on Easter. 

And the gardens are surrounded by some of the most beautiful and elegant houses in Baltimore, so a walk through the area yields some great architectural treats.

In addition to seeing flowers in public spaces, I've been lucky enough to get some spring flowers for my house. My neighbours have two camellias and told me to help myself to some of them. I was sure I was being greedy taking four of them, but they assured me I wasn't!

And then the gal who helps me with my sewing told me to cut some of the lilacs in her front yard. So I did! These are the deepest purple, rather than the paler purple that you see more often. 

Last week, fellow blogger, The Devoted Classicist was in Baltimore to give a lecture at the esteemed Evergreen House. Last month's lecture took place a day after a snowstorm, but spring is in full effect now. 

One of the things I adore about this time of year is the soft light, and the soft evening air. I took this just before the lecture, and think this is emblematic of a spring evening in Baltimore. 

I am so glad spring is here and hope that it doesn't get too hot too quickly!


  1. Love the flower arrangements, so simple and classic.

    1. Thanks! So lucky to have access to fabulous flowers!

  2. Hello Meg, I know what you mean about the Blogger formatting--my posts never seem to come out the way I want them, and often for completely inscrutable reasons. No WYSIWYG at all!

    I love your flower-filled spring. Flowers seem to be getting a slow start here, but perhaps I am just not going to the right places.

  3. Meg, it was terrific to see you! I loved my short visit to beautiful Baltimore. I did see Sherwood Gardens and some other lovely neighborhoods, too. That is a fabulous block in Roland Park where Billy Baldwin lived! Best wishes!
    __ John

    1. Great to see you, too! I am glad you got to see some of Baltimore's neighbourhoods!

  4. Thank you for taking the time to endure the blogging roadblocks. This post is awesome. Maryland seems like a beautiful state. My mother lived in Greenbelt and graduated HS there. I forget how i discovered your blog but this Maryland thing works for me! Happy Spring.

  5. Absolutely nothing wrong with your lovely blog post. I so enjoy your trips around Baltimore and elsewhere. Lovely gardens, we only have daffodils here, thanks for sharing, Sandi


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