January 9, 2015

Nine on the 9th!

Amazingly, this is the beginning of my NINTH year of blogging at Pigtown*Design! What a great adventure it’s been! copyright transparent pig copy smgrey

One of the most gratifying things about the blog is that I have had the chance to meet so many people that I’d never have imagined meeting. On my last trip, I got together with three people I have met through the blog: Naomi from CouldaShouldaWoulda, who was charming and delightful and took me places I’d never visited on all of my trips to London.IMG_6313

House of Beauty & Culture is one of the OBs (original bloggers) and we’re old friends now. Each time we meet up, we spend the entire time telling stories and laughing! Oh, yes… and drinking!IMG_6635

Diane at Yonks, is based out of my old stomping grounds – Cardiff – and we had the chance to spend an afternoon at a local auction. She and I talked like old friends, and although we only spent the day together, we both missed each other later! That’s the great kind of friend to have! Oh, and there was more drinking with her! Decidedly non-British drinks!IMG_6715

And although he’s not blogging anymore, I met my dear friend Steve and his charming daughters, Martha and Kitty, through a blog he wrote for the UK’s Guardian newspaper on The Wire, of all things. I spent six years trying to convince him that Baltimore’s Not Just The Wire©! He and his girls hosted a wonderful Thanksgiving for this American abroad, for which I am deeply appreciative!IMG_6355

Another benefit to blogging is all of the things that I learn when I am searching for things to write about. The blog forces me, in a good way, to look at myriad resources to find the item that no one else is blogging about. Whether it is driving around Baltimore to show you places you don’ know about,image

or sharing with you something new I am reading, image

I am always on the hunt for something new for you, and it keeps me on my toes!

The blog helps me find the beauty in everyday things, whether it is a gorgeous urn of flowers, image

or a snowy day in the city.2014-01-21_13-09-10_528

I share the good times with you, like horse races and parties with friends, image

and some of the bad times, like being mugged in High Point, and losing our friend Larry. image

To you, who take the time to read Pigtown*Design every time a new post comes to your computer or in-box, I say thank you so much! It means the world to me that you read what I write, take time to comment, speak to me when you see me, and indulge this effort of mine. You are greatly appreciated!


  1. Hello Meg, You are the counterbalance to John Waters and certain news reports in filling out our impression of Baltimore, not to mention all of your interests and travels that you make equally absorbing to us.

  2. Congrats on your blogging birthday and being one of the original ones! One blogging year is like dog years no? Sometimes I think of stopping but I continue for most of the reasons you state. I love how we get our own personal correspondent who brings an aspect to a region I would otherwise have missed out on. Here is to many many more. Hip hip hooray! X

  3. Congratulations, Meg! I moved to the Baltimore area twelve years ago this March, but I felt kind of like an outsider here until I found Pigtown Design. You have been my Beatrice of Baltimore.

  4. Happy 9th Blog Birthday! I read you faithfully and just love your point of view. Keep it up.

  5. Miss Meg: Congratulations! It's hard to believe it's been nine years since you began your blog!! Time flies when you're having fun...reading Pigtown Design!!!

    Looking forward to many more posts about Baltimore, your travels, and the other fab things you & your sweet dog are up to.

    - Miss M.A.

  6. Happy Anniversary Meg! All the best and we of course look forward to more great stories in 2015!!

    The Arts by Karena

  7. Congratulations, Meg! You and Connor are my "northern treasures"!! So thrilled to have made your acquaintance through the blog! You are always a bright spot in my day! Keep on keepin' on! Hugs to you both!

  8. Congratulations on the anniversary of your always entertaining and informative blog. It is always worth the read and you are certainly worth knowing. Continued good health and peace to you and Connor! Angela Muller

  9. Happy Anniversary, Meg!! It's a major accomplishment to keep a blog running for 9 years! How lovely to make and meet so many great friends along the way! Cheers to you and Pigtown * Design!

  10. Congratulations, Meg, on every one of those nine years. I am the Okie (surely not the only one) who reads you because you bring me things I did not know. I appreciate your POV.

  11. 9 years, that's incredible, what a feat of creativity and discipline.
    Oh my husband loved The Wire, I never seen it.

  12. keep on blogging + love reading about all your travels + Baltimore + congratulations. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  13. Hi Meg, I LOVE PIGTOWN! Thank you for all od your amazing years of great posts! xoxox Mary

  14. Best to you on your top of the ninth.

  15. Happy Blog Birthday..... and if not for it we might never have meet again.... You and the blog have brought so much to our lives.... Next trip to London we go as a group!!!! Xxxx

  16. So many blogs have come and gone, but yours is one I'm so happy to still have in my reader after all these years. Cheers to you and belly rugs to Connor.

    Btw, I will never forget when you found the fabric remnant warehouse and when you used to take OKL to task for their "unique" vintage pieces. :)

  17. Mazel tov on your continued success!! You're an OG blogger. And I want to nom nom on that Connor burrito.

  18. Happy Blogiversary! To me, your blog is like a mini-vacation. When I need a mental boost, I pop on over here to see what treasures you've uncovered. Thanks for all the uplifting posts and cool stuff!

  19. Kudos from another admirer, It was a happy day for me when I clicked on and saw the pig header.

    I've been hooked ever since, though you continue to delight me with a constantly changing array of headers and topics.

    Thanks for keeping the bar high.

    xo J


Thank you for reading and commenting on Pigtown*Design. I read each and every comment and try to reply if I have your e-mail address.